Friday 15 June 2012

Benefit to the cutting edge of technology Stocks. Leading investigators of Penny Stock financial Site is special report - Houston Chronicle

In a recent article in Penny Stock detectives, editor in Chief Danny Esposito noted that researchers have come up with some amazing concepts for the next generation of televisions and wall outlets. Esposito believes that the most promising since the stage of development where companies create products with technological innovations can be a very profitable business.

"Researchers have studied how to use a"Graphene"material to replace completely the used today, liquid crystal displays" says enthusiastically Esposito. "Worried about scratching your TV? Is no worries with the Graphene, which is flexible, foldable, incredibly strong and an effective conductor of electricity. »

Esposito noted that technology stocks to find a way to use the Graphene to replace our screens of cellphones, laptops, and many other portable electronic devices may be the next huge winners in the market.

Esposito has focused on the next generation of televisions that are to come. Firms seek organic light emitting diode (OLED) screens and literally transform in wall tiles. When off, the "mosaic" is simply the color, the customer chooses whether their home. When the tile displays what the viewer wants to display. Prototypes have expanded to take a whole wall (and these TVs do not need a stand).

According to article Penny Stock detectives, in May of this year, there is another interesting concept that researchers are very excited: intelligent chips are inserted into each of the jacks in your home. These Smart chips would be "talk" directly on the electrical panel in your home to regulate the flow of electricity, said Esposito.

This would prevent many fires, according to the Publisher, because, in the first sign of an overload, the chip would cut the power at the output. The chip also maximizes the efficiency of electricity use, which means a low power to the user Bill, Esposito notes.

The inventions of tomorrow begin in research labs, but companies that transform these inventions in revolutionary products stand to make huge profits.

Published every day business, Penny Stock detectives is investigating and analysis opportunities at low prices in the sectors of the individual fellowship and the stock market. Penny Stock detectives of reports on penny stocks, small-cap stocks, micro-cap stocks high-profit potential plays mainly under $10 and the stock market in General.

To see the full article and learn more about Penny Stock detectives, visit

The editors of Penny Stock detectives believe that low-priced stocks, when properly the subject of research, presenting investors with opportunities to accumulate wealth and increase the value of their investment portfolios. You can learn more about Penny Stock detectives to

Sasha Cekerevac, BA and Danny Esposito, b. comm., responsible for editorial analysts stock Penny Stock detectives, in conjunction with the stock market guru George Leong, b. comm., update their breakthrough video, if you missed Apple, shame on us. If you Miss This… which highlights a company stocks analysts believe is very similar to Apple Inc. debut. To view the video, visit:

For the original version on PRWeb visit:

View the original article here

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