Monday 25 June 2012

Penny Stock Detectives - peaks of Premium Stock reports

Sasha Cekerevac, co-editor of Penny Stock detectives, believes that the stocks of agricultural products will penny continue give large yields, as the world's population will exceed the 7 billion people this year. With this backdrop, Cekerevac is certain there is a basic need in the spirit of all: how will we feed the world?

Its economic base; with more application, you get higher prices, unless you also get a proportional increase in supply. But there is only so much land mass that can be cultivated, was Cekerevacs comment on the situation.

Given that the supply of agricultural land is limited, Cekerevac argues that the only way to increase the performance of existing agricultural land by adding fertilizer to the soil. Cekerevac will explain how fertilizer is made of three main components: nitrogen; phosphorus; and potash. Potash, a product made from potassium natural salts, is essential for the growth of plants and is in high demand, but it is expensive.

While I mainly focus on penny stocks, for investors looking for a large, diverse fertilizer producer name interesting Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, Inc. Potash Corp. missed expectations with its corporate earnings earlier this year, but this seems to be a bump in the short term to long term investorsa Cekerevac.

Although he wouldn't recommend immediately intervene to buy potash producers, Cekerevac would be attention to how the following income prospects appear for these companies fertilizer and orientation, they emit.

Little-known editor Penny Stock detectives, a small fertilizer company, which is not even start the production of potash, but which shows that many promise is Western Potash Corp. Cekerevac believes that the feasibility studies preliminary to determine exactly the amount of potash society is able to extract shows that the future looks very promising. Western Potash estimated that the mine in the Canada will produce an average of 2.8 million tonnes per year, with the life of the mine being 40 years. Construction is to start in 2013, with production to begin in 2016. Western Potash also said that it partners with a business in the Brazil to explore of potash in South America.

Cekerevac concludes, as any investment, the feeling goes up and down all the time. Examine demographic information in the long term, as there are more people on Earth, the same amount of farmland and higher incomes for people to buy more food. Fertilizer demand will continue to rise over the next decade.

Published every day business, Penny Stock detectives is investigating and analysis opportunities at low prices in the sectors of the individual fellowship and the stock market. Penny Stock detectives of reports on penny stocks, small-cap stocks, micro-cap stocks high-profit potential plays mainly under $10 and the stock market in General.

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